While there is no doubt that everyone has been affected by COVID, “Us New Yorkers” were hit particularly hard. As we continue to adjust to what is being dubbed, “the new normal”, we do want to share some of the special things that we experienced here at The 80th Street Residence.
We really hope that you enjoy reading the notes from our Families and seeing that our Residents were well able to continue experiencing happiness, love and engagement during a time when so much distancing was a necessity. As we navigated through the hard times together, we remained “New York Strong” and resilient.
With love,
The 80th Street Residence
What are Folks Saying about 80th Street during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
From our Families:
There really are no words, but I wanted to at least extend my gratitude to you and everyone there for taking such good care of my Father.
I can’t see the Care Managers, but I know they are doing a stupendous job. They and all the staff are Angels, or Heroes, pick your metaphor. I hope they know how grateful we are.
I am so grateful to you and all of the heroic and dedicated staff at 80th Street.
Dr. R.L.
...this is a testament to your management and the Staff’s selfless, tireless efforts on behalf of our loved ones. All of you are our Heroes. Those two words, thank you, seem insufficient.
Dr. T.B.
We know you are all doing an amazing job of caring for our loved ones during this super stressful crazy time. Y’ALL ARE THE BEST!
My father, brother and I are SO appreciative of everything you and your staff are doing to get the Residents through this time. You have our unqualified support—big time!!
Thank you for your astounding leadership during this difficult time. I am inspired by your example. The world is a better place because of you.
To everyone at 80th Street Residence working diligently to keep Residents healthy and routines normal, in a world where everything is now s o far from that, a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone from my brothers and all of our family members. We are deeply grateful.
Clare, thank you for all that you and your amazing staff are doing. I cannot imagine how hard it is for all of you. I know my Mother is in good hands, and, although I worry about the welfare of all at 80th Street, I do not worry that she is lacking for support and encouragement. My Sister spoke to my Mom today, and she said she sounded great…You are all amazing and rising to the challenge.
There are no words to express how much we are indebted to all the Staff of 80th Street who go above and beyond everyday to care for our Mom and the other Residents
I continue to be amazed by your handling of this horrendous situation. We are all suffering pain and perhaps panic, and I am sure that you are experiencing that too, perhaps even more than those of us on the ‘outside.’ Thank you for your persistence in being clear, calm, and caring. Sending virtual hugs to you and the entire staff and longing for the day when those hugs can be given in the real world.
From our Colleagues:
Thank you for all you are doing to bring quality of life and joy to the community each day during this pandemic. We have been so honored to continue to interact with the Team Members and Residents each week via Zoom, and to find them in good spirits. Your Care Managers and Recreation Team have gone above and beyond the call of duty to bring quality of life and even joy at this time -- singing with residents, dancing, engaging in thoughtful conversations, and sharing pieces of themselves and their families. Together, they have all been able to continue to enrich our lives as they live through a very difficult time. We are so grateful. The smiles on the Residents’ faces are a gift for us to see. We are happy to be a small piece of the puzzle you have constructed to bring normalcy and fun to their days. We’re sending you our absolute best wishes until we see one another again in person!
Nettie Harper and Kelly Gilligan
Co-Founders of Inspired Memory Care